I am standing here today with all of your friends to tell you how much we all love you. Billy Joel said “Only the good die young” and I guess he was right. You had one of the biggest hearts God ever made, and I think He gave it to you so you could share it will all of us. I hope you know there are hundreds of people here in this room right now- hundreds of lives you touched. Whether you were striking them out or pinning them to the mat, or helping them move into their apartment or pulling a prank on them, they are all here for you. We are all here because we love you.
Nobody is perfect. We all have our battles to fight and I’m so proud of you for never giving up. Some people say its not whether you win or lose but how you play the game…and you never quit the game, you never folded your hand, or waved the white flag. You fought- and you fought hard. and I hate it so much that you lost this fight. I hate it so much- but you were such a soldier along the way. You trusted in God and helped so many other people find their path, you were a leader and an inspiration. You changed lives and saved lives and made the life of someone like me worth living.
You will always be my charming, witty, talented, loving baby brother. And I know today is the last time I will get to see your body, but its not the last time I will see your heart or your life or your story. I think about you every day, please reach down and give me a hug soon and let me know you are ok. I will see you again one day, and we can eat all the buffalo wings you want.
i try to say goodbye and i choke
i try to walk away and i stumble
though i try to hide it, its clear
my world crumbles when you are not here

we let balloons go in his honor, each one carrying a special message from our hearts. The balloons will fly further and further and even though we can no longer see them, they still have their wings. So does he. We love you Jason. Rest in peace.
I could never have imagined what today would be like. Even though I am devestated about the loss of Jason, it was so wonderful to hear all the lovely things that people said about him. He was such a huge part of my life and I love him so very much. I just wanted to let you know that you guys are constantly in my thoughts and prayers. The service was beautiful today... and I am so proud of you for getting up there and speaking your heart. Jason will always and forever be in my heart for the rest of my life here on earth.
Beautifully written Kelsey... you are such a good write... directly from the heart. I hope you felt some good in everything that happened today... celebrating the life of someone so special. Keep believing in what you said-- that it may be the last time you see his body, but it's SURELY not the last time you really see/feel his presence. He will be with you in everything you do. Talk to him like you would pray to God. Everyone in heaven can hear :) They all have their wings and they will be next to you whenever you need them. xoxoxo
ReplyDeleteLove Temperance
RIP Jason we will see you in heaven.
ReplyDeleteHey Kelsey.. My name is Rachel. I don't really know you, or even Brian, but I did get to be friends with Jason for a couple of years during high school. He was very nice to me and always very funny, as you already know. I just wanted to let you know that you and your family are in my prayers. I was at the funeral and it was beautiful. I liked how people could get up there and share their funny stories about Jason. I especially loved the story your dad told about him takin the toilet paper... I can't imagine what you're going through and I just hope that you and your family make it through this in the best possible way. Just wanted to let you know that you're probably in more peoples prayers than you know... -Rachel.